At Shalina Diagnostics, we take pride in offering an extensive test menu consisting of over 3000 tests and profiles. Our comprehensive range covers various medical specialties, including pathology, radiology, microbiology, genetics, and more. With such a wide selection of tests, we ensure that healthcare professionals and patients have access to the diagnostic services they need for accurate and detailed assessments. Trust us for a diverse range of tests to support your healthcare journey.
1,25 Di Hydroxy Vitamin D (Vitamin D3)
17-Alpha Hydroxy Progesterone (17-Ohp)
Adrenal hyperplasia, evaluating infertility 2 ml Serum
Evaluation of adrenal and gonadal disorders. Mention the volume 15 ml Urine 24 H
25 Hydroxy Vitamin D
Bone formation marker 2 ml Serum
Potent androgen derived from testosterone. 2 ml Serum
5-Hydroxy Indole Acetic Acid (5-Hiaa)
Carcinoid Syndrome.Do not consume bananas,pineapple,nuts 48 hours before collection. Mention Ct scan report,Usg and Medication history 10 ml 24 H Urine
Absolute Eosinophil Count (Aec)
Mention Age & Sex 2 ml EDTA Blood
Absolute Lymphocyte Count
Mention Age & Sex 2 ml EDTA Blood
Absolute Neutrophil Count
Mention Age & Sex 2 ml EDTA Blood
Acetyl Choline Receptor Antibody
Myasthenia Gravis 2 ml Serum
Acid Fast Susceptibility - 10 Drugs
Drug resistance monitoring MTB Pure culture
Acid Phosphatase - Prostatic (Pap)
Acid Phosphatase - Total
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (Aptt/Pttk)
Bleeding &clotting disorders 2ml citrated Plasma
Adenosine Deaminase (Ada - Af)
Diagnosing Tuberculosis 2 ml Ascitic Fluid
Adenosine Deaminase (Ada) Peritonial
Diagnosing Tuberculosis 2 ml Pericardial Fluid
Adenosine Deaminase (Ada) Pf
Diagnosing Tuberculosis 2 ml Pleural Fluid
Adenosine Deaminase (Ada) Serum
Diagnosing Tuberculosis 2 ml Serum
Adreno Corticotrophic Hormone (Acth)
Cushing`s syndrome, Addison’s disease 2 ml EDTA Plasma
Afb Culture
To demonstrate TB bacilli Sample in Sterile Container
Alanine Transaminase (Alt/Sgpt)
Liver disorders 1 ml serum
Nutritional status, liver, renal disease 2 ml Citrated Plasma
Albumin/Creatinine Ratio
Air Tight container, Creatinine urine will be done along 10ml of spot urine
Useful in Diagnosis & Monitoring of Many Skeletal Muscle Disorders 2 ml Serum
Labile analyte.Separate early 1ml Serum
Alkaline Phosphatase (Alp)
Labile analyte. Separate at the earliest 1 ml Serum
Allergy Profile - Food (Non-Vegetarian Only)
Includes 16 Food allergens 2 ml Serum
Alpha Feto Protein (Afp)
Mention Age,LMP and Usg Findings or clinical History 1 ml Serum
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (Aat)
Congenital deficiency of AAT 2 ml Serum
For walk-in patients only 2 ml Heparin Plasma
Acute inflammation of pancreas 1 ml Fluid
Anaerobic Blood Culture
Bacterial Infection Sterile Container
Anca - Serine Proteinase 3 (C-Anca)
Vasculitis 2 ml Serum
Androstenedione (A4)
Adrenogen Access 2 ml Serum
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (Ace)
Sarcoidosis 2 ml Serum
Anti Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody (Ccp)
Rheumatoid Arthritis. 8 ml Serum
Anti Ds-Dna Antibody
SLE 2 ml Serum
Anti Microsomal/ Thyroperoxidase Antibody (Ama)
Diffuse goiter, hypothyroidism 1 ml Serum
Anti Mitochondrial Antibody
Autoimmune hepatitis 2 ml Serum
Anti Mullarian Hormone
Storage Disorder Fertility test 2 ml Serum
Anti Nuclear Antibody (Ifa)
Collagen disorders 2 ml Serum
Anti Phospholipid Antibody Igg
Anti-phospholipid syndrome, SLE 2 ml Serum
Anti Phospholipid Antibody Igm
Anti-phospholipid syndrome, SLE 2ml Serum
Anti Sm - Antibody
Anti Smooth Muscle Antibody (Asma)
Mention ANA findings 2 ml Serum
Anti Sperm Antibody (Asab)
- 2 ml Serum
Anti Ss-A Antibody
Mention ANA findings 2 ml Serum
Anti Ss-B Antibody
Mention ANA findings 2 ml Serum
Anti Thrombin Iii (Antigenic)
Platelet Poor Plasma Separate early. 2 ml Citrated(3.2%) Plasma
Anti Thyroglobulin Antibody (Atg)
Monitoring thyroid cancers. 1 ml Serum
Anti TPO Antibodies
Serum 1 ml
Apolipoprotein A1 (Apo-A1)
12-14 hrs. Fasting Required 2 ml Serum
Apolipoprotein B (Apo-B)
12-14 hrs. Fasting Required 2 ml Serum
Aso Titres (Anti Streptolysin O)
Streptococal Infection 2 ml Serum
Aspartate Aminotransferase (Ast/Sgot)
Liver disorders 1 ml Serum
B-Hcg (Free)
Age and LMP required 2 ml Serum
Bence Jones Protein (Bj Protein)
Multiple myeloma, Lymphoproliferative process 10 ml Urine
Beta 2 Glycoprotein Igg
Beta 2 Glycoprotein Igm
Beta 2 Microglobulin
Increased in malignant & immunological disorders. 2 ml Serum
Beta Human Chorionic Gonodotropin (Beta Hcg Titres)
Beta Human Chorionic Gonodotropin Serum
Mention LMP 2 ml Serum
Bicarbonate (Calculated From Co2)
Electrolyte imbalance 2 ml Serum
Bilirubin Direct
Bilirubin Total
Biopsy - Bone
Biopsy - Large Specimen (> 5Cm)
Biopsy - Medium Specimen (Upto 5Cm)
Biopsy - Small Specimen (
Bleeding Time
Blood Grouping (A,B,O) And Rh Factor
- 2 ml EDTA Blood
Blood Picture - Peripheral Smear Examination
Mention Age & Sex 2 ml EDTA Blood
Blood Urea
Blood Urea Nitrogen (Bun)
Bone Marrow Aspiration
Brucella Igg
Brucellosis infection 2 ml Serum
Brucella Igm
Brucellosis infection 2 ml Serum
Fasting required. 2 ml Serum
C-Reactive Protein (Crp)
Measures low level inflammation 2 ml Serum
Ca125 - Ovarian Cancer Marker
Ovarian Cancer Marker 2 ml Serum
Ca15.3 - Breast Cancer Marker
Breast cancer marker 2 ml Serum
Ca19.9 - Pancreatic Cancer Marker
Pancreatic cancer marker 2 ml Serum
Labile analyte. 2 ml Serum
Bone Metabolism 2 ml Serum
Calcium Urine
- 5 ml Urine
Carcino Embryonic Antigen (Cea)
Colonic cancer marker. 2 ml Serum
Cardiolipin Iga Antibody
Anti-phospholipid syndrome, SLE 2 ml Serum
Adrenaline & Noradrenaline 10 ml 24H urine
Wilsons disease, 2 ml Serum
Chikungunya Rapid
Cholesterol - Hdl
12-14-hrs fasting 2 ml Serum
Cholesterol - Ldl Only
12-14 H Fasting Required 2 ml Serum
Cholesterol - Total
12-14 H Fasting Required 2 ml Serum
For organophosphorus poisoning 2 ml Serum
Clotting Time
Complement 3 (C3)
SLE, Immune Complex disease. 1 ml Serum
Complement 4 (C4)
SLE, Immune Complex disease. 1 ml Serum
Complete Blood Count (Cbc)
Mention Age & Sex 2 ml EDTA Blood
Complete Urine Analysis (Cue)
Mention Age & Sex 10 ml Urine
Consumable Charges
Coomb’S Test - Direct
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia. 2 ml EDTA Blood
Coomb’S Test - Indirect
Hemolytic disease of newborn. 2 ml Serum
Wilsons disease, 2 ml Serum
Cortisol Serum (3 To 5 Pm)
Time of collection, medication 2 ml Serum
Cortisol Serum (7 To 9 Am)
Time of collection, medication 2 ml Serum
Creatine Kinase Mb (Ck-Mb)
Measure of renal function. 10 ml 24H urine
Creatinine Clearance Test
24 hrs. urine Volume, Ht. ,wt. 2 ml Serum,10ml 24 H Urine
Creatinine Serum
Cryptococcus Antigen
Opportunistic infection in immune-compromised 2 ml Serum
Culture Aerobic Sputum
Bacterial Infection Sterile Container
Culture And Senstivity Report
Culture- Pus
Bacterial Infection Sterile Container
Culture, Aerobic, Body Fluids
Culture, Aerobic, Ear Swab
Bacterial Infection Swab
Culture, Aerobic, Nasal Swab
Bacterial Infection Sterile Container
Culture, Aerobic, Semen
Bacterial Infection Sterile Container
Culture, Aerobic, Throat Swab
Bacterial Infection Sterile Container
Cytology -Fluids
Clinical History Required 2 ml Fluid
Cytology -Fnac
Clinical History Required 2 ml US Guided Aspirate Fluid
Cytology -Pap
Clinical History Required Pap smear
Cytology -Pap-Cervical/Vaginal/Vault Smears-Lbc
Clinical History Required Pap smear
Cytomegalovirus Igg Antibody
Type not mentioned, IgM is taken 1 ml Serum
Cytomegalovirus Igm Antibody
Type not mentioned, IgM is taken 1 ml Serum
Plasma should be platelet poor. 2 ml Citrated Plasma
Dehydroepiandrosterone (Dhea)
Mention age sex 2 ml Serum
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulphate (Dheas)
Mention age sex 2 ml Serum
Dengue - Rna Pcr
Dengue hemorrhagic fever 2 ml EDTA Plasma
Dengue Igg
Dengue hemorrhagic fever 1 ml Serum
Dengue Igm
Dengue hemorrhagic fever 1 ml Serum
Dengue Ns 1 Antigen Igg & Igm (Rapid)
Detects Dengue 0 to 4 Days Symptom 1 ml Serum
Dengue Screen
Differential Count (Dc)
Mention Age & Sex 2 ml EDTA Blood
Mention time of drug dose. 2 ml Serum
Doctors Consultation- 1
Doctors Consultation- 2
Doctors Consultation- 3
Doctors Consultation-4
Electrolytes Profile
Sodium, Potassium, Chlorides 1ml Serum
Erythrocyte Count (Rbc Count)
Mention Age & Sex 2 ml EDTA Blood
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (Esr)
- 2 ml Citrated Blood
Erythropoietin (Epo)
Decreased in arthritis, Renal disease,HIV,Cancer 2 ml Serum
Estradiol (E2)
Mention Age, LMP. 2 ml Serum
Factor V Leiden Mutation
- 5 ml EDTA Blood
- 3 ml Citrated Plasma
- 3 ml Citrated Plasma
Family history of bleeding to be evaluated. 3 ml Citrated Plasma
Anemia 2 ml Serum
Fluid Examination - Routine
Fluid For Afb Stain
Folate Serum (Folic Acid)
Anemia 2 ml Serum
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (Fsh)
Mention Age / LMP. 2 ml Serum
Fungal Stain
Fungus Culture
Clinical history is required. Sample in Sterile container
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (Ggt)
Biliary tract disease 2 ml Serum
Gastrin, Serum
Gliadin Antibody Igg
Celiac disease 2 ml Serum
Glucose - Fasting
12-14 H Fasting Required 1 ml Fluoride Plasma
Glucose - Random
1 ml Fluoride Plasma
Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6Pd Quantitative)
Hemolytic Anemia 2 ml EDTA Blood
Glucose Fbs/Ppbs
12-14 H Fasting Required 1 ml Fluoride Plasma
Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Ghb/Hba1C)
Used to assist control of glucose in diabetic patient 2 ml EDTA Blood
Gram Stain
Gram positive& negative bacteria Urine in Sterile Container
Growth Hormone (Hgh)
Fasting sample at rest 2 ml Serum
Hb Electrophoresis
Hbv Dna Quantitative Pcr
Helicobacter Pylori Igm
Type not mentioned, IgA is Selected 2 ml Serum
Mention Age & Sex 2 ml EDTA Blood
Hepatitis B Envelope Antibody (Anti Hbe)
Hepatitis B marker. 2 ml Serum
Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen (Hbeag)
Hepatitis B marker. 2 ml Serum
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Total (Anti Hbs)
2 ml Serum
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Hbsag)
Confirmation of Hepatitis B 1 ml Serum
Hepatitis B Virus - Viral Load
Hepatitis B infection. 2 ml EDTA Plasma
Hepatitis C Virus - Viral Load
Hepatitis C infection. 5 ml EDTA Plasma
Hepatitis Core Antibody Igm (Anti Hbc - Igm)
Hepatitis B marker. 2 ml Serum
Hepatitis Core Antibody Total (Hbcab- Total)
2 ml Serum
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 & 2 Igm
Herpes infection 1 ml Serum
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Igg
Herpes infection 1 ml Serum
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Igg
Herpes infection 2 ml Serum
High Vaginal Swab(HVS) MCS
Bacterial Infection Sterile Container
Hiv - Quantitative (Viral Load)
Hiv 1 & 2 Antibody
HIV infection 1 ml Serum
Hla B-27
Ankylosing spondylosis 2 ml EDTA Blood
12-14 H Fasting Required 2 ml Serum
- 2 ml Serum
Intact Parathyroid Hormone (Ipth)
Collect without Tourniquet; Labile analyte, separate early 2ml Serum
Ionized Calcium
Collect without Tourniquet 2 ml Serum
Age, transfusion history required 2 ml Serum
Iron Binding Capacity - Total (Tibc)
Age, transfusion history required 2 ml Serum
Lactate Dehyderogenase (Ldh) Serum
Enzyme found in most organs 1 ml Serum
Le Cells
Marker of pancreatic injury 1 ml Serum
Lipid Profile
Fasting Required 1 ml Serum
Lipoprotein A (Lp-A)
Fasting Required 1 ml Serum
Liver Function Profile
Liver disorders 1 ml Serum
Liver-Kidney Microsome (Lkm) - 1 Antibody
Mention ANA findings 1 ml Serum
Lupus Anticoagulant
For unexplained Thrombosis 2 ml Citrated Plasma
Luteinising Hormone (Lh)
Mention Age / LMP 2 ml Serum
checking deficiency in bones 2 ml Serum
Malarial Falciparum And Vivax Antigen (Parasite V & F)
Diagnosis of malaria. 2 ml EDTA Blood
Malarial Parasite Identification
Malarial Parasite Identification(Qbc)
Mantoux Test
Measles (Rubeolla) Antibody Igm
Rubeola infection 1 ml Serum
Microalbumin : Creatinine Ratio, Urine
Nephropathy 10 ml Urine
measures skeletal muscle injury 10 ml Urine
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (O-Gtt)
Osmolality - Urine
For Hyponatraemia 10 ml Urine
Osmolality -Serum
For Hyponatraemia 2 ml Serum
Packed Cell Volume
Mention Age & Sex 2 ml EDTA Blood
Parietal Cell Antibody
Pernicious Anemia 2 ml Serum
Kidney,Gastrointestinal disorder 2ml Serum
Platelet Count
- 2 ml EDTA Blood
For electrolyte imbalance. 25 ml Urine
Pregnancy Test
Mention Age / LMP. 10 ml Urine
Procalcitonin Pct
For Septicemia 1 ml Serum
Mention Age, MP & if pregnant 2 ml Serum
Pituitary tumors, menstrual irregularities, infertility, impotence, and galactorrhea. 2 ml Serum
Prostate Specific Antigen (Free)Psa
Avoid test for 7 days after PR examination, USG, UTI 2 ml Serum
Prostate Specific Antigen (Total)Psa
Avoid test for 7 days after PR examination, USG, UTI 2 ml Serum
Protein - 24 Hrs Urine
Mention 24 hrs. Urine volume 10 ml 24 H Urine
Protein - Fluids
Protein - Random (Spot)
5 ml Urine
Protein C
Platelet poor plasma. Separate early 2 ml Citrated Plasma
Protein Electrophoresis
Multiple myeloma, macroglobulinemia 2 ml Serum
Protein S
Platelet poor plasma Separate early 2 ml Citrated Plasma
Protein Total With Albumin
Nutritional status, liver, renal disease 2 ml Citrated Plasma
Protein/Creatinine Ratio
Prothrombin Time (Pt)
Bleeding disorders 2 ml Citrated Plasma
Rapid Plasma Reagin (Rpr Test)Vdrl
Syphilis progression & response to therapy. Sterilr Swab
Registration Fees
Renin Activity
Extremely Labile Analyte 3 ml EDTA Plasma
Reticulocyte Count
Anemia 2 ml EDTA Blood
Rh Antibody - Titres
- 2 ml Serum
Rheumatoid Factor (Ra Test)
Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis 2 ml Serum
Rubella Virus - Igg
Rubella infection 2 ml Serum
Rubella Virus - Igm
Rubella infection 2 ml Serum
Scl-70 Antibody
Mention ANA findings 2 ml Serum
Semen Analysis
- 2 ml of Semen
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (Shbg)
Age and Sex required 1 ml Serum
Sickling Test
Sickle cell Anemia 2 ml EDTA Blood
Smear For Fungal Elements
For electrolyte imbalance. 1 ml Serum
Sputum For Afb
Bacterial Infection Sterile Container
Sputum For Afb Stain( Afb Stain)
Sputum For Afb Stain( Afb Stain).
Stool Culture
Bacterial Infection Sterile Container
Stool Examination
- Stool in leak-proof container
Stool For Occult Blood
Performed for colorectal cancer Stool in leak-proof container
Tb Gold Quantiferon
1ml Blood into 3 tubes
Testosterone - Free
Age, Sex to be mentioned 1 ml Serum
Thrombin Time
Monitoring thyroid cancers. 1 ml Serum
Thyroid Profile - Iii
Thyroid disorders 1 ml Serum
Thyroid Profile-I
Thyroid disorders 1 ml Serum
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (Tsh)
Thyroid disorders 1 ml Serum
Thyroxine - Free (Ft4)
Thyroid disorders 1 ml Serum
Thyroxine - Total (Tt4)
Thyroid disorders 1 ml Serum
Tlc & Dlc
Mention Age & Sex 2 ml EDTA Blood
Torch 4 Profile (Igg)
- 2 ml Serum
Torch 4 Profile (Igm)
- 2 ml Serum
Total Ige
Age and Sex to be mentioned. 1 ml Serum
Toxoplasma Gondii - Igg
Type not mentioned IgG taken 2 ml Serum
Toxoplasma Gondii - Igm
Type not mentioned IgM taken 2 ml Serum
Anemia 1 ml Serum
Transferrin Saturation
Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination (Tpha)
Syphilis progression & treatment 2 ml Serum
Tri-Iodothyronine Free (Ft3)
Thyroid disorders 1 ml Serum
Tri-Iodothyronine Total (Tt3)
Thyroid disorders 1 ml Serum
Triglycerides (Tgl)
12-14Hrs Fasting required 1 ml Serum
Troponin - I Quantitative
To be analyzed within 3H 2ml Serum
Troponin - T
To be analyzed within 3H 2 ml EDTA Whole Blood
Tsh Receptor Antibody
Serum 2 ml
Typhoid Igg/Igm (Rapid)
Mention 24 hrs. Urine volume 10 ml 24 H Urine
Uric Acid
Mention 24 H Urine volume 10 ml 24 H Urine
Uric Acid Serum
Urine Ketone Bodies
Valporic Acid (Sodium Valproate)
Optimize dose & avoid toxicity 2 ml Serum
Varicella Zoster Igg
Chickenpox ,Shingles 2 ml Serum
Varicella Zoster Igm
Chickenpox ,Shingles 2 ml Serum
Vitamin - B12
Confirmation of low B12 level 2 ml Serum
Vma (Vanillyl Mandelic Acid)
Mention 24 hours urine volume. 10 ml 24 H Urine
Vma (Vanillyl Mandelic Acid) - Spot
Wbc Count
Mention Age & Sex 2 ml EDTA Blood
Widal Test (Tube Test)
Typhoid and Paratyphoid fevers 2 ml Serum